Xhbit is a sales productivity tool for sales and business people. The mobile app provides easy to use interface for saving contacts and sales leads, for example in exhibitions, events or any random one-to-one situations, where sales potential and areas of interests must be captured just in seconds. The Xhbit tool makes collecting sales potential and contacting more systematic, raising the sales effectiveness.
When you do sales or customer work, you get a lot of business cards. Most of the time, you don't even remember the conversation until later, and the business card remains just another card in the endless pile of business cards. Xhbit offers the usual way to save the contact's information and business card and to add to that information what you talked about and where you met. Even after years, you can compile marketing lists. In addition to that, Xhbit is also suitable as a CRM for a small businesses - without complexity.
When you meet a person, you add them as a new contact (Contact) either by entering the name, reading the QR code of the business card or taking a picture of the business card.
Add a tags to the contact that tell you what the contact is interested in. You can create tags beforehand, e.g. according to your products or services. You can later see directly who has been interested in a certain product.
If you meet the contact at a trade fair, you can add the trade fair location to the contact. The addition of the trade fair location and tags can also be automated, which makes collecting leads very fast.
Tel. +358 40 545 6422
Partner, Sales
Tel. +358 40 545 6422
Partner, Support
Tel. +358 50 592 1251
support (a) xhbit.app
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